Korn Fan Art

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This one also has an owner, afava, I would like to credit you, and say that your unique style of drawing, is very interesting and amazing, your drawing of korn in a different style, is very well done.

Nuff credit to you


Same owner, as the Jon Davis one, This time it is fieldy, I love the way how he/she creates a specific style for each member, and brings it out well, Fieldy is Hip Hop metal star, and he/she shows it in a different style.



Picture Of Jon davis singing to the crowd, nicely done, with all the features jon davis has




Luckily, this picture has it's owner's name on, Hosojima, I would like to take this time out, to say You are a wonderful artsit, and a Job well done, on producing this Jonathan davis Picture, definatly one of my fav drawings of him.


This page I thought I should dedicate to all the fans that drew pictures of korn so brilliantly!

Note: I have not put names on thses, coz I do not know who they belong too, but if you come on here, and see ur picture, please inform me, when u leave a message in the guestbook or contact me., and I will put it.

Sorry to the People who's pictures, that I have taken and put up on my site without asking, but I liked them, and decided to show others so I put them up on my site.

I will give credit, when I find out who's they are!


This is an excellent picture of korn, ha ha it's pretty good as well, the lines are taken from korn s/t album, from shoots and ladders, and the drawings are done good


Note: As you can see I am shit, at observing and writing down what I think, I am dumb, and this my friends is true lol. But I'm trying!